Narrative P3



One morning there was a boy and his father. They were going on a hik. They packed everything. They saw a bear but the bear was so nice he was just sleeping.they went hiking and had so much fun. Then they got their tint. Then it was night time and they roasted marshmallows. So they can eat. It was so yummy.  And then it was the morning they went to find some fruits. But they saw the bear.

The bear wanted to play with someone. So the boy played with the bear. And they also find some food.

Narrative P2

One morning there was a boy and his father. They were going on a hik. They packed everything. They saw a bear but the bear was so nice he was just sleeping.they went hiking and had so much fun. Then they got their tint. Then it was night time and they roasted marshmallows. So they can eat. It was so yummy.