Mmm mine

Task description: yesterday me. and my class were leaning about the animals that were in the picture.

there were words also. and it was a little bit easy. and a little bit hard.

Big blue sea

Task dicriptation: today we were leaning about story. and i try my best to work hard. and it was so

hard for me.

One day a man was going in a race but the race was under the sea. And his name was bob. When he got in the race he swam on the race he try to not to ran out of air.but it was to late
He ran out of air. He went up and took a deep breath. And then he went back down.
He tried to be as fast as he could . And then he won the trophy. And he went back home.
But his teammates called his name. And said wait, how about we can have a party.
And he said ok. So they party in the beach. Because they did the race in the beach.
They have snacks. And drinks that are soda’s. And cake. They had a big party.
They also have balloons. And musics. And then they talk about thing’s.
And they eat food. And snacks. And drank sodas. And they danced around.
And they live happily ever after.

Balloon experiment

Task description: today we leaned about baking soda. and vinegar. if we mix it together it will go up.and

and it will get bubbles.and we also got a bottle.and a balloon we poor the vinegar into the cup. and then we put

the baking soda. and we have fun.

Lemonade Report

Task Description: today we  wrote about lemonade. and raisins the when we went outside we garb a cup then

we mix lemonade and raisins and we have to see if it sink or float then it float but some were sinking.

castle narrative


Task Description: today i wrote a story about the lady floating in the picture.

One day a woman walk into her room and she saw birds and the birds put a stau on her. She was flying up in the air. Then she saw a Keach and she got it and try to catch but the bird were flying so fur Away and the birds were being silly and the girl was so argae and she try her best to catch the birds. The door was closed. And then the birds
Thought that they were a little bit naughty so the birds think about. The things that they did to the girl so they said sorry and the fly. And They were happy.